3 Days Of Business FREE Adventure
Would you like to have ease with business, money, and the joy of creation?
Day 1 - Creation with Business
Day 2 - Creation with Money
Day 3 - Creation with Joy
Join Becky here .. Or in my telegram thread for more. www.Becky-Vannes.com/telegram

Day 1 - Creation with Business
1. Write down what you desire to create in each of the areas below. (You can add more topics to this list with whatever is coming up for you.)
• business
• money
• relationships
• sex
• body
• geographical
Then just live, go about your day.
2. What Action, Action, Action can I take today?
( How much time do you spend wishing for something to show up, rather than creating it?)
Have fun and share what comes up for you, if you like❣️
Day 2 - Creation with Money
Get present with money today and look at a couple of things:
1. What would you like to get the money for today?
- How much money would you ask for?
- What is your target?
- Are you willing to have more clarity?
- Are you willing to be the energy of what it takes to be?
- Are you just ‘asking’ or really ‘being present’ with it?
2. What’s the amount of money to always have in your bank account, that your life could actually show up as just choice?
3. Is there a certain number you have decided you can earn?
Get that number and POD&POC&POVAD
- What would I like to create?
- What am I aware of that I KNOW is possible?
Universe, show me!
Ask: 👇
1. What is the amount I've decided I can earn?
2. Do I want to have money?
3. What am I not willing to be with money?
4. Would you be willing to acknowledge you for whatever you’re creating?
Day 3 - Creation with Joy
"Put the fun back in your business"
Ask: 👇
1. If you are the source of creation, what would you like to choose next?
2. What choices could you make that could create a different future?
3. What action can you take that would allow it all to change?
Write down what you desire to create in each of the areas below. (You can add more topics to this list with whatever is coming up for you.)
• business
• money
• relationships
• sex
• body
• geographical
Then just live, go about your day.
2. What Action,, Action Action can I take today?( How much time do you spend wishing for something to show up, rather than creating it?)
Day 4 Business Energy Pull
Tapping into the energies of you and who you be with Business!
Investment: $9.99
The Universe is infinitely gifting to us. It’s only waiting for you to ask, for you to request what you most desire with your life and business.
How do you communicate with the Universe? This energy pull is a tool you can use to start.
This will be you inviting what you desire in life.
Call up the energy of what you’d truly like to have as your life.
If you could have anything at all, what would it be? If there were no limitations regarding time, money, creative and generative capacity, what would you ask for?
30 min.
60 Amerikaanse dollar