Dyslexia is a disability. Or is it?
Perhaps dyslexia isn't the limitation we have been told it is, maybe it is an untapped ability. Have you ever noticed that people who have dyslexia often use this so-called disability in extraordinary ways? In fact, some of the business greats such as Richard Branson and Steve Jobs excelled perhaps because of this disorder.

Richard Branson has gone so far as to say:
"Once freed from archaic schooling practices and preconceptions, my mind opened up. Out in the real world, my dyslexia became my massive advantage: it helped me to think creatively and laterally, and see solutions where others saw problems." ~Richard Branson
A shining example of an entrepreneur and businesswoman is Becky Vannes. She is out there in the world doing business with confidence and panache. And I would never have even thought she 'suffered' with dyslexia.
I caught up with Becky to find out more about her story and how dyslexia truly has been an asset-building her businesses on the creative edge.
Becky, did you know that having dyslexia was an ability in business?
Well to begin with it really didn't feel like an ability, school was very interesting for me with dyslexia. For instance, when I'd go to spell things, the letters would jumble. Even with spell check, the computer is like 'I can't help you. I can't even come close to figuring out what you're trying to spell'. Sometimes, I have trouble spelling even the simplest of words.
That's the way it was for a very long time, and I thought I was ridiculously stupid.
Even numbers jumble for me. I don't know what happens; I just can't retain all the numbers that are said.
The other thing I found difficult was taking a comprehension test in school. That's where you have to read a paragraph, and then you have to recount the order of events. I would get completely muddled, and I remember being so embarrassed.
However, what I discovered was that if I had a system for something, I could learn and accomplish the tasks. I found this, especially helpful in business. To do this,
I take a ton of notes, and that allows me to organize my brain.
For example, Simone if you're talking to me, and you say to me, 'Becky I need you to do this, this, this and this'. I'll say, 'Okay, wait a minute', and I'll write it down slowly because information doesn't come into my brain in 123.
So, you are not linear.
Yeah, not at all.
And being non-linear did you find that advantageous in business?
I discovered that being non-linear is a huge asset in business.
Because in business you are always looking at new ideas and what's next and how to actualize them and when. That's a massive part of having a business.
I've also learned that with dyslexia information comes in download for me. I then take all that information, record it and then put it together.
At school, this was a disadvantage because that's not how you are supposed to receive or process information. It certainly isn't the way you are tested.
However, in business, it actually works to my advantage.
Because when I'm willing to allow information to come in chaotically and what ends up taking place is this whirlwind of inspiration and ideas.
To listen to more of this interview click on the video below: