Spirit of Possibilities! - What would you like to create? What can you choose?Group SOP Taster! Only $35
ons 20 okt.
What if the time to receive is now...are you ready? What if you could just relax down all of your barriers and receive from the spirits, and every molecular structure of the Universe.

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20 okt. 2021 15:00 GMT−4
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Spirit of Possibiltites! - What would you like to create? What can you choose?Group SOP Taster! Only $35
What if the time to receive is now...are you ready? What if you could just relax down all of your barriers and receive from the spirits, and every molecular structure of the Universe.
What do you desire to generate that you have never been willing to choose before?
What if there was something totally different available? Would you choose it?
What if EVERYTHING is willing to help you?
Help with more.. More! Relationship, the creation of your body, and your business..
Is now the time to start creating your life from a different possibility?
Are you willing to ask the molecular structure of all things in the Universe to contribute to you? If you do, they will!
🗓️ Oct 20th (Wednesday).
⌚ 3 PM EST.
🌍 Find your time in the world here: Check Your Time In the World Here
✨ Symphony of Possibilities Group Taster Session Membership: $9.99.
Find more about the Membership here:
What is a Symphony of Possibilities Session?
The Symphony of Possibility (SOP) sessions are about energetic empowerment and change and they can invite you to open up to living in a completely different way.
Each session will invite you to a different possibility. Are you ready to take your life beyond what you have decided is possible?
SOP Group Taster
35,00 US$Försäljning avslutad
0,00 US$