Access Business & Money - Online Becky Vannes & Amy Shine
Do think you have a money problem? Or have no idea how to be in business? What if there were no problems?

2022年6月09日 10:00 – GMT-4 13:00
Learn to ask questions that will change limitations and start creating something greater than what you have considered before in your business & finances.
It’s your life, this is not a test – you get to choose it, you get to create it, and it is allowed to be fun for you and you are allowed to ask for more.~ Simone Milasas, Founder & Author of JOY OF BUSINESS
What others say:
After using the tools in this class I actually increased my revenue streams and the profit coming in. It was easy, fun and I’m still asking questions of what else is possible. - Sam, Australia
WHEN: June 8th and 9th at 10:00 am to 1:00 pm Your Time in The World
WHERE: Online/Zoom